Morning fog lifting from Ota Point Oyster Farm looking north towards Kahikatoa

Table of Contents


Ia rā ka toroa a Kāni Ihāpera e tōna kanohi ki tōna tupuna maunga a Taratara. Everyday Nana Ihāpera gazes out to her beloved mountain, Taratara.

He nui rawa ngā kōrero mō Tāwhaki. Ko te kōrero o Ngāti Rua ki Whangaroa, e kōrero ana i te aupikinga a Tāwhaki ki ngā rangi. There are many stories regarding Tāwhaki. The story of Ngāti Rua (Whangaroa) speaks of the ascension of Tāwhaki to the heavens.

Research Reports

Wai 1040

Wai 45


Summary Presentations


WAI 1040 Claimant Submissions Filed 2016

Briefs of Evidence

Stage 1

Stage 2

Week 3, 2013

Week 10, 2014

Week 15, 2015