Mā Whangaroa a Whangaroa e kōrero

Welcome to the Whangaroa Papa Hapū website. We hope that this information will help you find, learn and share as whānau and hapū of Whangaroa.

Whangaroa Papa Hapū is the collective that supported members of Whangaroa hapū and whānau to research and prepare their historical claims that were submitted to the Waitangi Tribunal between 2011 and 2018. You can read more about our involvement in this process by clicking here – Our History.

This website is a hub for whānau and hapū of Whangaroa to learn about, and participate in the journey of developing a proposal and strategy for the support to engage with the Crown in Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations.

Whangaroa Papa Hapū continues to support whānau and hapū to seek restitution from the Crown to secure and provide for our shared future. Our desire is that Whangaroa hapū get the best possible outcome from the Waitangi Tribunal and Treaty claims processes.

In doing so, we assert our Mission Statement, that is:

“Mā Whangaroa a Whangaroa anō e korero”

Nā reira, we invite you to complete a Registration form, either online or by downloading and send the form manually. These will be sent to our admin team, and your email added to our communications list. This will ensure you receive our latest Papatuhi/newsletters and emails.

We also invite you to ask any questions you may have, by using the Contact Us button below.

Registration form

It is the intention that this information will be held for hapū record and population base purposes. The (hapū) will retain the completed information to assist with their hapū  management.
If you are unsure of your hapū and still wish to register to keep informed, our kaumatua can assist and we will advise you of your hapū.

HE AHA AI / Why Register?

  • To be notified of important issues and decisions regarding settlement affecting Whangaroa, including information about the Mandate Strategy being developed currently;
  • For the purposes of population data bank establishment;
  • To receive information and benefits you may be entitled to;
  • and to have a say at an Iwi and/or Hapū level.

MĀ WAI / Who can register?

  • To be eligible to register you must be an uri of Whangaroa;
  • Affiliate to any of the Marae or Hapū within the Whangaroa rohe;
  • 0r whāngai on their own behalf or by their legal Whangaroa guardian.

Complete Registration Form and send to admin@whangaroapapahapu.org.nz

click image above for online registration form

Online Registration Form now available ( scan the QR code below or follow this link https://whangaroapapahapu.matou.nz/ )